Privacy policy - Hogia Recycleit - app


This text applies to the privacy of the phones and tablets where the Hogia Recycleit application is installed.

Purpose of the application

The purpose of the application Hogia Recycleit ("App") is to receive transport orders from the transport planning system and to return information about; status, pictures of damages, signatures, and transport documents to confirm and complement the order information.

The user uses HogiaID (email address), organisation and vehicle to identify who is logged in on the app to ensure that the user has the right permissions to receive information. HogiaID/email address is saved to the order to give the transport planner information about the driver and vehicle.

Location features in the app

If the user is authorised (permitted) to use the built-in GPS function of the phone and/or tablet it will send positions from a vehicle/phone to an application with a map view in which the transport planner efficiently plans and distributes orders to vehicles. The user is prompted to give permission for the app to use tracking of the mobile device's position.


Photographs can be attached to an order, the functionality is used to attach waybills, photos of damages and signatures from receivers/customers. The user is prompted to give permission for the app to use the camera and photo library.

Data and logging

The login and access to information is individual. The email address used to login is sent to the server in order to monitor incorrect or unauthorized access. The user information (email address) and location information is stored on the server for 90 days. Data is securely transferred to and from Hogia's services. The user's identity is credited via login and only invited users have permission to log in.

Third Party

Hogia does not sell or transfer data from the application to third parties unless otherwise agreed.

The application is developed by

Hogia Logistics Systems AB
SE-444 28 Stenungsund